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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A non spandex-related update!

The good thing about being in America on your birthday is that you get to celebrate it for more than one day. Of course you have to celebrate it on New Zealand time, which is the day before America, than you celebrate it on American time. So that is indeed what I did. This year is the ‘big’ 21. I don’t like it, I still don’t believe I am this old. I remember looking at 21 what felt like yesterday thinking that it is so long away until I reach the ‘adult’ days. Now I have made it, it does not feel any different and my maturity level still seems the same as it was five years ago. But I guess what I think and what is true are really two different things.

So this year I celebrated my NZ birthday racing the streets of Redlands. It was the most painful birthday I have ever had. People didn’t seem to make it any easier for me just because it was my birthday… rude. That night the team went out for a Thai dinner, Rachel and Adrian had secretly brought in an amazing, delicious, flourless (for the gluten free dweebs in the team) chocolate browny cake. Yum. That was a pretty cool surprise to end a really good day. I then got dropped off to my good friends Kate (Chilcott) and Emily (Collins) house, where all the Vanderkitten team were staying as the next day we were in for some big birthday celebrations.

The next morning (my American birthday), Kate, Emily, Jazzy (Hurikino) and I set-off to Disney Land! I had always dreamt of going to Disney land, but did not think it would actually happen. So to spend my 21st there is going to be a pretty awesome memory. We met Lauren Rowney and Rebecca Warner (cyclists) there and spent the next 12.5 hours walking (and walking, and walking), going on incredible rides and experiencing something pretty cool. I loved it! Needless to say I was totally shattered when we left at 11:30pm that night. Below are some photos of the day;

That night I stayed with a good friend, Monica Martinez, who I had met in New Zealand when she was on an exchange from America. She kindly woke up a 5:30 the next morning and dropped me at the LA airport to fly back to Asheville. Once returning back to Asheville I had mail and presents on my bed as well as a happy birthday sign on the door from Emma. Yep, that’s right, Birthday number 3. Rachel cooked up a delicious Mexican dinner and then Emma had made two DELICIOUS cakes. A polenta berry cake and chocolate toffee brownie made into the shape of 21. Let’s just say I am glad I had done some hard racing because there was no way I was going to leave them to waste. They were incredible!

So now I am a bit gutted my birthday(s) are over, only 349 days until my next one =)

Charlotte criterium is the next race up on Saturday, A big crit because of the rather large purse available, so will be some big names there I am sure. Will keep you posted.

Thanks for reading,


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